
Cosmos, where dreams and adventures begin!!! 2nd part

Hello guys, you are with me, your and only yours friendly neighborhood junior cosmologist. This is our second phase of knowledge on our cosmos. If you haven't red my 1st part then I would advise to go and read the information I have given.

Our this part will be specified only for the Blackholes; poor neutron star noone discuss or bother about them so I have decided to give little bit of information on neutron stars also, although I have been thinking to keep a different topic only for neutron star.

What is a neutron star?
Well, a neutron star is also a dead core of a star having mass between 8-10 solar masses which has ended it's life in a huge explosion called supernova. Neutron star is a dead core of a star in which the inner part of star gets collapsed in its own gravity. The material gets so squased that the protons and electrons inside the atoms, merge to form neutron, leaving the dead star composed of only neutrons. Yet, hypothetical there is an another mysterious particle which can convert the matter into itself. Let's leave something for next time and this will also maintain our suspense.

Now, our next topic,
What is a Blackhole?
A Blackhole can be the most interesting and mysterious body in the universe. A Blackhole is the last prediction of Albert Einstein's equation. A Blackhole can bend the space along with time since this both are relative. An example- Take a bucket, put a cloth over the open end. Now, take a two balls of same size. One is of thermocol and another of iron. Put, the thermocol ball over the fabric; we will notice that the fabric will bend little bit but if we keep the iron ball on the same fabric it will bend the fabric much more than the thermocol ball. Now, the question is what I am trying to explain? Well, this experiment shows us the more the mass the more bend in the fabric ; the same is with the time-space and Blackholes, only instead of the cloth, it's time and space fabric and instead of iron ball it is a Blackhole. Mysterious things occurs as we get towards the Blackhole. Blackhole comes in 3 size or masses i.e, stellar mass blackholes, intermediate sized blackholes and supermassive blackholes. [ Funfact - blackholes were just a prediction of Albert Einstein's equation but recently we were able to see a blackhole in M87 or Messier 87 ]. Okay, so now you know everything that I could afford to give you, so we can begin our amazing journey to blackhole but remember whatever you know; the laws of physics are of no use in the case of blackholes; they're considered as bad kids of Physics. They realises us how many things we don't know they realises us what are our limits and that's the thing I like in cosmology, astronomy or whatever you say; that we don't know what's there in the next turning. Leaving the topic for now I would like to adjourn our universe court so that you guys get time to pack your bags for the wonderful amazing theoretical journey of universe. So be with me in the journey. Byee! for now

Thank you- CosmicPegasus2006
You are right but I am going to explain that later. Try to understand that I want to maintain the suspense okay don't mind my friend. I will explain that
I think I am gonna learn much more than I know, from you. I never thought that black holes was a "prediction" of albert Einstein.
There's also the idea of quark stars.
That's like when a neutron star decides to get really heavy.
@ infinite2009 Michell and Laplace discussed the concept of black holes in the late 1700s.
Don't you need a theory of quantum gravity (not developed yet) to describe a black hole? The effects outside it is (as far as I understand it) described by general relativity.

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