
Completely weird facts

Mosquitoes use 1/3 of your blood to make their eggs. So you are technically 1/3 of their parent.
Im about 12 years old and my job is to annoy teachers. Sadly, I dont get paid
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the sunlight often is green, but most ppl never notice because they "know" it is not, their brain is filtering that information out completely.
@TheKingClash said in #5:
> Here are some facts I know:
> The average human is made up of 8 octillion atoms.
How is that weird? It has to be some number, right ?

> One teaspoonful of neutron star material weighs more than three Empire state buildings.
This one is cool.

> At the end of its life the Universe, and everything in it, will likely rip apart, known as the Big Rip.
That's only one of the possible scenarios/ hypothesis.

> Mexico City was built on a lake.
I didn't know that. Did they fill it up?

> If you drilled a hole at Asuncion, the capital of Paraguay, and drilled all the way down past the centre of the Earth to the other side, you will end up in Taipei, Taiwan.
Well same as first one: if you drill anywhere you have to get out somewhere else. Not so weird.

> The only place where 4 countries meet is in southern Africa, on the borders of Botswana, Zimbabwe, Namibia and Zambia.
That's cool, you would expect that to happen more often.

> There is way more land in the northern hemisphere than in the southern hemisphere.
Not so surprising if you consider that most of the Eurasian continent is in the Northern hemisphere.

> Snow on Mars is square.
Really??? How come?

> A chessboard has two to the power of six, four to the power of three, or eight to the power of two, squares.
That's not weird. That's just basic manipulations with powers of two.
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