@FridaGarciaKMS said in #1:
> So I'm Christian, but my parents aren't. I want to know how to embrace God without a Bible.
You could read the Bible online
>Am I? Or am I describing all sorts of organised religion?
Both. It is pervasive.
>Just look at the various of different branches of Christianity. Protestant, baptist, catholic, Mormon etcetera.
>How many of them actually follows their religious scriptures to the letter?
In principle all of denominational Christianity has historically taken scripture seriously. This is the precept behind it. It describes a basic unity. John Wesley had some different Ideas about church leadership and soteriology spawning a new christian denomination. That is - a Christian church adhearing to the fundamentals of the Christian faith. Not a different religion. Joseph Smith created a fundamentally distinct religion. Mormonism is not a Christian denomination because they are not Christians.
>And how much in those religious scriptures is actually necessary to read before being a Christian?
Not much. The scriptures are highly repeditive and thus do not constitute a tremendous amount of specially required knowledge.
>My #10 is to be read as a sceptical point of view, meaning question everything, and then draw your own conclusions. Which goes against what people can read in a Bible.
It does not.
>Since it doesn't ask people to be sceptical.
>So when you say I am "preaching", I strongly disagree.
>Advocating scepticism isn't preaching.
Advocating for particular preferred behaviors, and values is what preaching is.
The credibility of the witnesses is a key consideration.
>I personally disagree that the Bible contains evidence in any way. My reasonings is that the Bible is based on hearsay. So if people believe in hearsay, they are putting too much faith in human credibility to be factual, in not only their reportings, but also in their memory capacity and their capability to understand what they see.
You watch too much Maigret "hearsay" is a common objection. Not because it is inadmissible but because it only has limited reasonable application. Many a court case has been won or lost on hearsay evidence.
>So if people need proof to believe, then they are not a believer.
A persons beliefs are the set of ideas they hold to be true. Whatever you are referring to as belief - I dont have or want. I have literally no conception of it. I have no idea what you're talking about but it sounds Icky.
I believe the Earth is a globe. I may personally have good evidence for it or not. People hold all sorts of beliefs with or without good evidence.
>Proof is never subjective.
On this definition then the word is not applicable. One cannot offer incontrovertible proof of any actual thing. Proofs are used in logic and abstract thought not the applied sciences and certainly not history. "Proof" as in common usage and as youre using it is entirely subjective. A personal perception of what may overcome any individul sense of incredulity.
Tommy sees a shadow and is satisfied. The Earth is round. Fact. Tommy Thompsons seal of certitude. Jimmy Johnson needs to see three shadows to be sure, Gary needs to go to the moon to be convinced while Sharron knows the Earth is a disc and if you took her to the moon she would call you out for witchcraft or trickery.
@SSJ_Zekrom said in #28:
>something about meat
Jesus ate animals. Fish and Lamb to be sure. Jewish dietary restrictions on pork and ruminant animals are explicitly lifted.
I reccommend cow.
@Strange-Nickel said in #33:
> Jesus ate animals
Jesus preached in regions where growing vegetables was difficult. Also, at that time trading did not happen to that extent that vegetables will be available easily.
Jesus also preached love. Before killing first think of the more important preaching.
In Eden Adam and Eve only ate fruits. During Judgement period, it has been mentioned that all animals will not each other. One does not need to be in Eden to practice ideal habits. One does not need to wait for Judgement day to be kind to animals.
You want@SSJ_Zekrom said in #34:
> Jesus preached in regions where growing vegetables was difficult. Also, at that time trading did not happen to that extent that vegetables will be available easily.
> Jesus also preached love. Before killing first think of the more important preaching.
> In Eden Adam and Eve only ate fruits. During Judgement period, it has been mentioned that all animals will not each other. One does not need to be in Eden to practice ideal habits. One does not need to wait for Judgement day to be kind to animals.
Whose to decide if your Christian you have whose to decide which is most important.
Besides Putin of Russia is an orthodox Christian.
@TheLandOfDemocracy, #31:
@FridaGarciaKMS said in #1:
> || So I'm Christian, but my parents aren't. I
> || want to know how to embrace God
> || without a Bible.
> You could read the Bible online
That. is. then. not. << w i t h o u t a bible >> !
op asks "without"!
will you take that as is now!
@justme23 said in #35:
> Whose to decide if your Christian you have whose to decide which is most important.
Cool. If you think that love is not Jesus' primary teaching and killing and eating animals is then go ahead. But atleast say it with confidence infront of your friends and family that Jesus primarily preached killing animals and not love.
@justme23 said in #35:
> You want
> Whose to decide if your Christian you have whose to decide which is most important.
> Besides Putin of Russia is an orthodox Christian.
In name lol
It's just what leaders do when their country is religious, makes it easier to control
which animals? holy sheep?
holy llamas? (I'd hesitate to eat a holy Lama)