A GM , a lichess player and queen from an unknown country are on a plane and the plane is about to crash ! The GM says , " we need to find a way to survive ! " the lichess player then grabs the queen and throws her off the plane and says " Done !! , i've sacrificed the queen , now what ??"
Many chess jokes here:
Here's one:
"What do you call the chess professional without a girlfriend?"
"What do you call the chess professional without a girlfriend?"
do you know what the difference is between alcohol and chess ?
in one you sacrifice your pieces, in the other you sacrifice your liver
in one you sacrifice your pieces, in the other you sacrifice your liver
A average GM, struggling to make a go of it on the local circuit, decides to save on bus fare and take a long walk home, after a somwhat less than stellar performance in a weekend Swiss.. He decides to take a shortcut down an ally, and is accosted by two thugs. One holds a knife to his ribs, while the second guy goes through his pockets. Seemingly unconcerned about the knife, he shrugs and says to the guy going through his pockets...
"If you find anything, let me know"
"If you find anything, let me know"
Chessplayer's head explodes. This went out over the Weekly World news and caused quite a kerfuffle before it was later proven to be a hoax. This is the original story, apparently.
ºSsshhhhhhº quiet please!
@grammalu_son said in #6:
> Chessplayer's head explodes. This went out over the Weekly World news and caused quite a kerfuffle before it was later proven to be a hoax. This is the original story, apparently.
> www.math.uwaterloo.ca/~mrubinst/hce.html
> :)
> Chessplayer's head explodes. This went out over the Weekly World news and caused quite a kerfuffle before it was later proven to be a hoax. This is the original story, apparently.
> www.math.uwaterloo.ca/~mrubinst/hce.html
> :)
#5 reminded me of a meme ![https://i.postimg.cc/XqC5rLB8/Do-not-get-robbed-chess.png](https://i.postimg.cc/XqC5rLB8/Do-not-get-robbed-chess.jpg)