

bunyip is an australian mythical animal
a skeleton of a bunyip
@bunyip: I got this.
Your thread lacks a purpose, except to possibly provoke the great bunyip. Your comma placement is incorrect. Your URL is excessively long. Even if your comma placement was correct, it would not matter, as you needed a colon. The spelling of "criticise" you used offends me. You literally posted a Google search, rather than a web page that could provide information.
To modify the popular saying, Gun ith an cat am fòram agad, agus gun ith an diabhal an cat!

Tha mi a ’smaoineachadh gu bheil am balach a’ feuchainn ri bhith coltach riumsa.
That link you offered is a complete load of hogwash.
Just thought I should let you know in case you tend to use wiki as your sole source of information about the world outside your room where you live with your computer.
Like the man from the Government said.."I'm here to help you."
@clousems I thought that it would just be interesting to share what a bunyip is/was. I did not place a comma this time.

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