
Best Quotes of Forumers

<< Magnus Carlsen defeated Bill Gates, live, on T. V.. So what ? They both show us that T. V. is not an idiot box, anymore. >>

"History tells you stories. Not always are they accurate ;) "
"I would build my dream house in my dream"
- (@) CreativeThinking

"Do not change your openings, stick to your guns so as to accumulate experience"
-(@) tpr

"You won’t play at Real Madrid by just practicing penalties."
- (@) Sargon
There are so many others, I don't think one can possibly get them all and post them here.
When I play white, I win because I play white. When I play black, I win because I am Bogolyubov.“
When I play white, I win because I play white. When I play black, I win because I am black"
When I play white, I lose because I don't play black. When I play black, I lose because I don't play white.

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