
Best Chess Players

+y Weitskein
-k Ray Charles

- Josh Weityskein 19
- Ray Charles (-k) 21
sure, maybe a slightly different topic though? Like best lichess player :)
Upvote Capablanca 1888 times (the year he was born)
Wow Capablanca won!
My top 5 best players in chess history are:
1. J.R.Capablanca
2. J.R.Capablanca
3. J.R.Capablanca
4. J.R.Capablanca
5. J.R.Capablanca
Technically everyone can be down-voted to 0.

Day 1: + #1, - #2
Day 2: + #2, - #3
Day 3: + #3, - #4
Day 25: + #25, - #1

And we repeat until everyone is down-voted. Is the winner the one who at the end has the two lives and will be down-voted in 24 hours?

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