
Best Chess Players

Another correction.

a_pleasant_illusion is getting it all wrong by ignoring krutoi's play, yes krutoi's play, the greatest jazzplayer ever. ridiculous, so i ignore a_pleasant_illusion's transistorclacking and proceed from where the immortal krutoi, the indiquinguishable krutoi, not only a jazzplayer but also head of the voluntary fire department of the district of whereweat county mind you, left off.

Mikey Tall - 232
Angus Carlsen - 24
Miko Botvino - 80
Vladimir Lenin - 20000000000000000
Anatole Karpouffe - 209
Alexandratchoo Aleindebelly - 22
Puley Morpheo - 1661
Manual Sucker - 0
Booby Fissure - 222
Gaby Jackerov - 15
Joey Pulpa Casablanca - 208649751
Another correction.

a_pleasant_illusion is getting it all wrong by ignoring krutoi's play, yes krutoi's play, the greatest jazzplayer ever. ridiculous, so i ignore a_pleasant_illusion's transistorclacking and proceed from where the immortal krutoi, the indiquinguishable krutoi, not only a jazzplayer but also head of the voluntary fire department of the district of whereweat county mind you, left off.

Micle Tyson - 22
Anus Carlson - 24
Miko Botinok - -1
Vladimir Lenin - 20
Anatole Karpouffe - 20
Alexandratchoo Aleindebelly - 22
Puley Morpheo - 16
Manual Dicker - 0
Boobs Fisherman - 22
Gabus Jackerov - 15
Joey Pulpa Casoiblanc - 20
upvote Carlsen, downvote Lasker

Mikhail Tal - 23
Magnus Carlsen - 25
Mikhail Botvinnik - 13
Anatoly Karpov - 20
Alexander Alekhine - 21
Paul Morphy - 16
Emanuel Lasker is DEAD
Bobby Fischer - 22
Garry Kasparov - 20
Jose Raul Capablanca - 20
@easedisease @Krutoi
You two go make make your own forum. Anyways....

Karpov dies, Kasparov reincarnates?

Mikhail Tal - 23
Magnus Carlsen - 25
Mikhail Botvinnik - 13
Anatoly Karpov - 18
Alexander Alekhine - 21
Paul Morphy - 16
Bobby Fischer - 22
Garry Kasparov - 20
Jose Raul Capablanca - 20
more seriously, upvote kasparov & downvote alekhine

Mikhail Tal - 23
Magnus Carlsen - 25
Mikhail Botvinnik - 13
Anatoly Karpov - 18
Alexander Alekhine - 19
Paul Morphy - 16
Bobby Fischer - 22
Garry Kasparov - 21
Jose Raul Capablanca - 20
Upvote @MagnusCarlsen, downvote Mikhail Botvinnik

Mikhail Tal - 23
Magnus Carlsen - 25
Mikhail Botvinnik - 13
Anatoly Karpov - 18
Alexander Alekhine - 19
Paul Morphy - 16
Bobby Fischer - 22
Garry Kasparov - 21
Jose Raul Capablanca - 20
Upvote @MagnusCarlsen, downvote Mikhail Botvinnik

Mikhail Tal - 21
Magnus Carlsen - 26
Mikhail Botvinnik - 11
Anatoly Karpov - 20
Alexander Alekhine - 23
Paul Morphy - 12
Bobby Fischer - 20
Garry Kasparov - 20
Jose Raul Capablanca - 25

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