
Ask me anything stupid

i am not magnus
i can never challenge Ding Liren because i am not that good

But i am better than him(carlsen and Ding both)in 2 things at chess
1.Atomic chess(because they dont know the rules lol)
2.they have lost to a GM but i haven't(because i haven't played against a GM)
@MAGNus_204 said in #3:
> i am not magnus
> i can never challenge Ding Liren because i am not that good
> But i am better than him(carlsen and Ding both)in 2 things at chess
> 1.Atomic chess(because they dont know the rules lol)
> 2.they have lost to a GM but i haven't(because i haven't played against a GM)
yeah that's lol
@MAGNus_204 said in #1:
> ask me anything
1. Whats your favourite dish?
2. Do you live in India?
3. Why is Indian cuisine so spicy?
4. Why do Indian computer scientists have such a good reputation? Does the Indian school system have computer science as a school subject?
5. What does the average Indian think about Pakistanis? Positive? Negative? Or more neutral?
6. Have you ever been to Sri Lanka / Ceylon ?
7. Why is there so much singing and dancing in Indian films?

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