
any things you hate about chess???

Repetition. As many before me have said, with so much opening theory, it's becoming less of a game.
When your in a won position but instead of resigning your opponent just leaves the game. But I guess that only happens in online chess.
when i give a checkmate, I think to myself "yes". but when I get checkmated, I think to myself "no".
It has the failing that you ethier win lose or draw whereas Go ,it's eastern rival , estimates the strength of the players in every contest.
It also allows a draw by stalemate to an absolute loser, but for the chess problemist this expands its scope.
Struggle to find a move in and stare at the board for a long time, then make an unsure move, then got forked, what the fork!!
Opening tactics / tricks. Especially when your opponent does it in a Bullet game... very annoying.

Chess is boring / repetitive? Just learn some new openings – they develop into so many different positions! Chess variants are also pretty cool.

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