
Alternate history...what if ...?

@Kanaan92 you are good at this stuff 😝😝😝😝😝😝

Ok, let's at least try to get back on topic. What if Otto Von Bismark never came to be, and Germany would never be a nation?
You cannot say that if Bismarck went back in time and accidentally married his grandmother,then Germany would not exist.
Computer says "no".

EDIT: If it's about marine biology, would it be a "bon moat?" @clousems
Indeed it might...and since we are in the French colloquial idiom,a cross-lingual Spoonerism might emerge as "mon boat".
What if Hannibal had decided to leave the elephants at home and take a few giraffes instead?
@clousems What if Dick Cheney really had suggested (to the then president) that they should go out onto the White House lawn and indulge in a bit of homo fun (circle Jerk) as suggested in the film biog 'Vice' (for which there is no evidence BTW) and they both liked it so much they decided to get married?
Bit of a shocker I know but Cheney is in favour of same sex marriage.

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