
Title Players only auto quick parings

There is also a big advantage to this. New accounts that jump to high ratings very quickly won't get paired with strong players that easy, they will need to get trough lower rated players and they won't take the rating from strong players (Which is probably one of the reason lichess blitz is soo low). You got a lot of cheaters who take ratings from title players, not only this is frustrating but also the title/none title payers don't get their rating back or at least not all of it.
Another point that will help all players, is the case of a strong title player who has multiple accounts and only/almost always play with his none title account. He won't get paired with the best titled players so he will likely switch to his titled account. Then we will see more games of a legit/confirmed players.
Hi dear GM ficorrales! I understand you but we non titled players want to play vs titled players like you cause you're very strong player and we can learn too much from you. yes I understand it. few players are cheaters but the most players are good. I personally respect you and I really wish I can play with you someday 🙏🙏🌹❤😊
@ficorrales If you are paired mainly with non-titled players, and a rating range of 0..+500 leads to long pairing times, then we can conclude that your suggested option "only against titled players" would almost always lead to long pairing times.
sheckley666 , you may not get a reply after your comment, but he addressed your issue multiple times before you made it.
@sheckley666 I am pretty sure that the titled players only pairing will be much faster than the sorting players by rating higher than your own rating, specially for stronger GMs. On top of that, this is going to be optional, in my personal case, and I am sure I am talking for most GMs I rather wait a little longer but played a titled player.
@HassanLessani Thank you for the kind of words. In reality when the rating of players are as low as your is very unlikely that you will be quick paired with any title players. The probability percentage is very low to almost none. This will only be a valid point for players who are more than 2300 on liches I believe, maybe even more than that. If you are a strong none title player you might be able to get the LM (Lichess Title Master) as possibility.
I 100% agree - if titled players can select an option to limit play to other proven titled players - we will get less cheating at a lower level.

Apart from getting up to the levels to play a proven master - what is the point of someone attempting to cheat?

In a tournament with a streamer present - I played a brand new - never played a single game account - who beat me 3-4 other players some rated in excess of 2200+ There was only one aim for this person.

In my opinion the steps that take to tackle cheating is the only aspect that is better than lichess and it is a shame it lets the site down.
This is a good idea. They should also make an option to only play people whose accounts are 1 month or older, also only against people with a certain number of games.

"Apart from getting up to the levels to play a proven master - what is the point of someone attempting to cheat?"

That's a fantastic point! I don't think we can put it more simple than that.

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