
The site wanna ban me.

@magodellascacchiera said in #40:
> First of all, I play in

why don't you stay there then? why constantly complain here about all sorts of things, like unfair mods and bad servers? it sounds like your experience here is terrible, and chesscom is heaven. doesn't seem smart, coming back here.
I do play there. I want to play in lichess because they are good but they should accept their mistakes and be fair as well. Also, I never said is fair in everything. You are not the one who pull me out of the site. I don't care about random people. It is my wish and I have freedom. I have the freedom to express my opinions. Why would you challenge my freedom?
i am not challenging your freedom. you are free to make bad choices.
What is your problem. Who said it is a bad choice. I don't care about a stranger's opinion. It seems like you know everything and you are the greatest person alive.
@magodellascacchiera said in #40:
> There are many affected by this.
Are there, really? All I know for sure is there are few complaints every now and then - and tens of thousands people playing any time I visit the main page.
There are many people who doesn't complain but there are many affected by this and everyone should get their ratings back. I know many friends.
> What is your problem.

i don't have a problem. the mods treat me fairly. and the servers work great. my connection to the servers is great, 365 days a year.

> Who said it is a bad choice.

i did. it's obviously a bad choice because you do nothing but complain. if you make the choice to come here to play, and then go to the forums to complain about how lichess is making mistakes and not accepting them, and then not treating you fairly on top of that, and then afterwards you still make the choice to come back again and again – how on earth is that a good choice? i understand you are only a kid, but why would you come back to a place where people treat you unfairly? especially if you have a nice option like chesscom, where those problems do not exist.

> It seems like you know everything and you are the greatest person alive.

lol, no. but i am pretty sure i know more than you.
@glbert How do you say I'm a kid. You are not the one to make me get out. I do play in both sites and some people keep arenas in lichess only. Sometimes, I will need to use and I will use lichess.

Thanks for caring for me and spending your time just to correct me all the time. You Mr.Knowledgable. I'm sure you need a calculator to do simple division.
@magodellascacchiera said in #48:
> @glbert How do you say I'm a kid.

well, for example because you think this:

> You Mr.Knowledgable. I'm sure you need a calculator to do simple division.

would insult me. and generally the way you talk. your profile description. all of it screams child.
Your play seems like a child. Look at your rating. And why do you want to doubt innocence. This is done by kids only.

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