
Temporary ban warning after letting 2 seconds run out

In the game: I got a warning that for letting the time run out instead of resigning I'll get a temporary ban. But I only had 2s to make a move.

I do understand that it's annoying when instead of resigning people make their opponent wait for the time control. But it's hardly applicable in bullet, and certainly not applicable when there is only 2 seconds left.

Please reconsider thresholds for these warnings.
The algorithm does not only use the last move. The move before you can see that you went down from 24s to 2s. It think it is why you have been warned.

However I agree with you the system is quite sensitive, but don’t panic, you have to get this warning quite a lot of time before sanctions can be used.
Humans aren't going to "ignore" it, it is a false accusation and they will feel attacked.

It is absurd to think you're not allowed to use the last of your time looking for a move.

If the time used for the last move is less than 1/10th of the total time for the time control, that's not even an edge case in OTB!

Using your time to look for a move is part of what the clocks are for; people who use their time to keep looking will have higher ratings. That sort of stubbornness is worth maybe 100 rating points, maybe 200.
You can reach out to lichess support directly instead, which may be more useful in resolving this without negativity. Mistakes do happen.

It's just a warning. It's not like you had let time run out 10 times in a row. Just once isn't enough to get you banned

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