
Spare CPU Cycle Donation

Due to the nature of the computing power LiChess needs (stockfish instances) I would love to see the possibility to contribute to the cluster by donating the spare CPU Cycles my servers are making to calculate and contribute.

Is something like this already possible, what kind of code needs to be written in order to make this possible? I might be able to help. :)
Completely missed this feature.
Just requested a key! :)
This is pretty cool, I'd missed seeing this feature before, too. (Though I'd head about "fishnet," didn't know what it is or what it does.)

Will an API key work across several machines? Or, one key per running job? (If I have two boxes that are mostly idle, and setup CPU limited docker containers, do I use the same API key with both, or would they each need their own so they can run separate jobs?)
I have about the same as MrCharles. Running them with a niceness of 5 should result in plenty of CPU Cycles to be donated. Currently I have at least two servers. Later I might add two workstations and two more servers.
BinPwn -- What about the API resource usage question? (Especially given the second step, the questionnaire, asks about specific CPU model/brand -- because I have access to several.)

If I have to manage several API keys, then, meh, probably not going to do it. But, if I can plug and go across spare cycles (managed by containers), I may just implement.
Using a single API key with multiple instances works fine. The keys are mostly used to do this:

We ask for the CPU to ensure (1) it will will be able to finish analyzing a game in acceptable time and that (2) we have Stockfish builds for it. Should be fine with all common server CPUs.

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