
Small, very small bug

This happens when any real-time game starts. On the first move of both the players, the clock does not start its countdown (this is NOT the bug, which I am talking about.). But when you point (not click) your cursor to any of the two players, you see a small chessboard on which their real game shows. But as I mentioned, the timer does not decrease on the first move in reality, but THE *TIMER DECREASES* WHEN MOUSE CURSOR IS POINTED TO A PLAYER WHO OR WHOSE OPPONENT IS *YET TO PLAY THE FIRST MOVE*. So it shows a time decrease on the first move when the cursor is pointed at the player, but in reality, it is not.
Very small bug, but I hope it will get fixed.
Thanks for reading. :)
Wow! That's some next level observation haki there. Well spotted

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