
Skip first moves in study

I want to create flashcards for learning openings from Lichess studies. But I want to omit the first couple of moves, for example, 1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bc4 for the Italian opening because I know them. When I create a chapter, I can do the moves in the board editor and start the study there but that messes up the move numbers. The first black move is 1. ... Bc5 instead of 3. ... Bc5. So I miss a "Move number" input in the board editor tab. A similar problem exists for the halfmove clock, although that is not relevant for my use case "openings".

It would already help if the "FEN" tab would be synchronized with the state of the "Editor" tab. Then I could just edit the fullmove number (and halfmove clock). But unfortunately, they are not synchronized.

My current solution is to have an analysis board open in another browser tab, make the moves there, and then copy and paste the FEN into the dialogue for the new chapter creation of the study.

Is there an easier way to achieve that?
You can use the (regular) board editor, and then click on "Study". Then you select the correct study and it will be appended as a new chapter.

Not arguing that a simple text box for the move number in the Editor tab would be nice...
It is possible to go to the position in a chapter beforehand, and at the moment when you create a new chapter from the "board editor" setting, the move count will also work.

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