
Server Issues

@Khallyx said in #47:
> Why would they? Just play a few games and your score will be exactly the same as it would be if they did.
Yes I could do that, but I think that it is unfair anyway.
@andreotto said in #51:
> Yes I could do that, but I think that it is unfair anyway.

I think losing 5 meaningless points that you'll get back by playing regardless should be pretty low on your list of priorities.
@Khallyx said in #52:
> I think losing 5 meaningless points that you'll get back by playing regardless should be pretty low on your list of priorities.

Brilliant. I call my bank and try that logic to get 1000 Bucks. Shouldn't make a difference with any bank.
@X1234X said in #53:
> Brilliant. I call my bank and try that logic to get 1000 Bucks. Shouldn't make a difference with any bank.

That's probably the most braindead take I've read all week, thanks.
In just one comment, you managed to prove not only that you can't make analogies, but also that you don't understand how the rating system works. Now that is indeed brilliant.
@X1234X said in #53:
> Brilliant. I call my bank and try that logic to get 1000 Bucks. Shouldn't make a difference with any bank.

I understand that you're very upset at me, for some reason, but you should really stop while you haven't made too much of a fool out of yourself. Go outside, get some air, then go play some games.
@Khallyx said in #52:
> I think losing 5 meaningless points that you'll get back by playing regardless should be pretty low on your list of priorities. I appreciete your interest in my comment, but you just dont need to be cynical and impolite. If I want to claim for what is fair is just my bussines not yours, my friend.
@andreotto said in #56:

It's everyone's business when you post it online. If you don't want people to reply to you, then don't comment in a public forum. Also, I was not impolite; don't take differences in opinion as personal insults.
thank but in puzzels whaen i make mistake they are reducing 54

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