
Rating change error?

A rating drop of 250 as a result of 5 wins doesn't seem right. But I'm not sure how this rating change thing per variant on the profile page is calculated (last N games?) - anyway, is this an error?
this is because when you started the games, your rating was higher.
It was actually lower by some 400 points. The 5 games started many weeks ago and ended 3 days ago. Not much has changed since they ended. If you hover over my name to see my current rating and compare that to the screenshot I think you'll see why I'm confused.
@YouTubePremium said in #4:
> i didnt understand

Maybe it's me who doesn't understand how it should work, but (using rough figures just to make the point)
my rating when starting the 5 games (at bottom of screenshot) was 1600,
it is now 1900,
I won all 5
and, as the screenshot shows, there's a red downward arrow with "250" beside them

which is there to indicate, I assume, that I lost 250 points as a result of those 5 wins.

But I didn't - my rating hasn't dropped by that much between starting those 5 games and now.

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