
Puzzles bug

I think this may in fact be two bugs: I had a puzzle yesterday which I was sure I'd had before, and quite recently. Anyway I got it right, and turned my PC off. This morning I opened up Training on the app (on my phone) and guess which puzzle it was?

At first it seemed from the webpage that I'd gained points for this, but when I did another puzzle and got it right, the rating gain looked right, although it still said I had solved two puzzles.
PC and app puzzles are not synchronised properly. Pick one or the other.
Oh, yes Sir! Thankee Sir! Still doesn't explain why it cropped up three times though (twice on my phone, once on my PC)
I also was given several times the same puzzles on the app. I stopped to use the app: problem solved (the website is not so inconvenient to use on one's phone).

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