
Profile pictures

Why isn't there any profile pictures? Is it difficult to program, or is there some other reason?

It would be nice if a user was given the option to upload a picture of themselves to complete their profiles. Without a picture it's just some boring username text.
That's not the same as a default profile pic that everyone can easily upload. It looks like it requires some HTML hacks, and then the photo has to be hosted somewhere else.

I can understand if there is not enough capacity on lichess database server to store potentially millions of small pictures, this is partly reason I asked this question.

Practically speaking though, there is plenty of space at the top bar in the profile page for a nice, small, square little picture -- not gif or a video or weird flashing stuff, just a small static picture. Gives some life in people's profile.
Why isn't, or Why aren't ...

You do not need to "upload" a picture.

Drop a link into the description box, and it will display the link. This is asked and answered many times over in the FAQ section of the website, if you were to do a little (re-)search, the solution is asked, answered, and trivial. (But, I guess that's asking too much.)
@MrCharles What's with all the hostility?

Like I said, yeah there are hacks and workarounds, but it's not obvious how to do it, and very few people will.

There are many people that DO need to upload a picture. That's how profiles work in modern web era.
You DO NEED to upload a picture?

I think you're confusing "need" with "WANT" and "WHIMS" (as in, whimsical).

Things don't need to be done the way you want or think they need to be done. This website is CLEAN because it doesn't include a lot of unnecessary crap that other websites like to throw into the mix. Sure, it could be added. IF the developers want to add that feature, they will. But, it'll weigh things down, slow things down, and, since you can very easily work around the issue, and for as long as people have worked around the issue and disseminated the necessary information to allow people to do this ... why not just go with the flow and the culture of the website? Who's being hostile? The punk demanding features, or the punk saying STFU and deal with it like everyone else who has adapted???
I hate to say this, but is doing it right in this department. They have nice big profile pictures. They are not the only internet service that gives the user a profile pic. Name any popular website where users are encouraged to make a profile and interact. YouTube, Stack exchange, Github, Facebook, Twitter, any game website; certainly it's odd without it.
@MrCharles Oh come on. Don't give me that crap. It doesn't make a profile any less "clean" for someone to upload a pic of themselvs.

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