
Premoves are stupid.

Why can't users make multiple moves in one premove? This way one can simply layout a few moves at once with premove.
I disagree. That would be very hard to code/extremely confusing and it also wouldn't really help that much, except in tradeoff situations, and plus, it would only spare you a quarter of a second. Unless if your a ultrabullet GM, there is no point of even doing that, too.
It would sa ve more time than that if we could do 3 premoves at once.
i think two is good--- no pressure for the lichess developers #1
On you can do it. It is very simple. I am not talking about conditional premoves. I just lost 4 games in a row in a K vs K and Q because I couldnt move fast enough. Multiple move permoves would eliminate this issue.
Typical premove usage - premove capture that may happen, but in most cases don't. You make many useless mouse movements at each move just to win 0.2 sec sometimes lol. If two premoves are possible, the number of useless movements get doubled in these situations. Is it really pleasant to play like that? What problem does it solve? In time scrambles for which premoves are created there is usually hardly time for one premove, so adding another also changes nothing.
I think it would be good if under like 15 seconds, other than that it is a dumb idea.
@superchessmachine "Multiple move permoves would eliminate this issue."

You know what else would solve this issue? Playing with longer time controls and/or an increment.

Imagine getting to pick yourself the time controls of every game you play, and then whining after the fact that you keep running out of time. How embarrassing that would be!

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