
Possible bug?

I only played five classical games, without losing any of them, but my timeline shows like I played four games, not five, and my charts looks strange as somewhere i actually lost one game, which I didn't. Any idea what's going on? Thanks in advance!
The reason you only see four games played today is that one of them was played yesterday, the date cut-off line happened to be after the first game but before the others, as it is at the same absolute time everywhere, it is at a different local time in every time zone.
The dip in your rating is a quirk of the rating system, even though you never played classical games before (by the current definition of classical) you had a classical rating because prior to the introduction of rapid ratings near the end of 2017, rapid games were counted as classical, since you have not played rapid classical games since the split, the rating system behaves oddly and shows a dip.

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