
Opening explorer list of names

I apologize if that had already been asked. But a refresher from the newcomers might also be good.

I there somewhere a list of all the opening names that lichess uses in the opening explorer?
on lichess I mean?
Otherwise, on github, which file would hold such information?
Otherwise, on this forum or the teams, anybody made a list (more-over updated?).
Otherwise, is it accessible from the client-side bundle sent by lichess, more comfortably in the styling objects of CSS?

Motivation: I would like to do a search on the word "system". And look for what it might mean. specifically and then generally. or vice-versa, and both. Because, now, I find that Colle, London, and Geller have a pawn square and a white B. on white square in common. I am just trying to find commonalities in openings, and this strikes me as a candidate. But then I know that there are middle-game structures associated to other openings (or openings containers?). Yet, in those system, this minimal "structure" I kind of see is early. Is that what makes a system. An early structure near the center that will last for a while? So non-tactical early moves.... No rushing to the center too early. but being near. annoying for a while. safe.
#2. That is the exact list that the opening explorer is currently using? all of them. just making sure. The whole ECO, transpositions and all.

Assuming the case. Now, there are 2 directions that could be interesting for exploring opening names.

1) Give a name of an opening, and get the defining sequence of moves.
2) Give a sequence of moves, and along the path, have a priority list of names that follows it. Transpositions be damned.

I assume that lichess has had to make choices, and that interactive, first come first named, might be the principle as one explores move by move. I also know there is a "best of" in the main page "Board editor" (by far incomplete), that only shows the defining moves, given an opening name.

That is, I guess, why I ask if all the ECO names are in there. I will go fetch the archive.
"An aggregated data set of chess opening names". So that is the bigger set.

Now, since there is no name to opening explorer on lichess, I have to ask confirmation about #2. And how I can find out what might be missing (unless there was a way to make all existing ones have some sequence deeper override the precedence rule).

Do my questions make sense? applicable? Thanks for the pointer.
#2 Is this a functional module of lichess? Or a documentation effort made from one. It appears well made as the latter, if the case. I guess good development and high level languages do strive to make code be its own documentation, however impossible that might be.... (it might be a bet). I like the EPD thing. Good entry point for me this repo.

It's part of Lichess. You can see a handy list of github repos from the /source link. So, afaik, it should be complete indeed.

And yeah, openings are hard, since it turns out many identical chess moves, have several name so some choices have been made I think. Don't really know more then that :)
Thanks, this looks good. I will wander in it and around from it. And since I did not find much of the same question through google -site lichess forum opening names list (same kind of questions, not exactly though, not sure your pointer was there), well since that:

I will use this thread (depending on my energy, time, and whether universe is inclined the right way), if further questions to myself or anybody. While I like the EPD (some sort of dockable FEN, as from my read/guess), I will try to understand the book of opening constraints it might entail, if any. We are doomed by the ordering of moves.... And the need to name every branching point, without any other way to group opening sequences. That is what is hard. And not necessarily entirely necessary for ever... but that is not of this sub-forum.

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