
No draw

A game was declared draw , however the situation was a bishop and king for white, a queen and king for black. Black's clock goes to zero. This should be won for white, as there is a mate combination possible. It is declared draw. this is wrong.
It isn't possible to mate with only a bishop against a queen.
A bishop can't even mate against a rook. By extension, queen makes it impossible too.
Opposite-color bishop is the only piece that can allow such mate.

Which makes me think... will a non-rook pawn make it a draw when the promotion square is same color as the bishop's?
#3 No: anything can mate a knight.

What happens if black's clock runs out after white makes his 300th move on Lichess?
You are right. I forgot the bishop can check touching the king.

Story of my chess. I keep rebuilding everything I once learnt.
@thechessguy2_0 That's my point: what if black runs out of time before making the drawing move? He cannot possibly get checkmated, since white wouldn't be allowed to play his 301st move.
If somobody have no pieces and he or she play fifty movies with no pieces then it is draw

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