
New time mode Hourglass

Hey guys!

I just thought about how awesome it would be to have an hourglass option available.
To sum it up: Every second you waste your opponent gains and vice versa.

I know it has drawbacks because it doesnt terminate after like 2 minutes but it would be great!

Have there ever been thoughts about that?

Interesting time mode. The problem is that time is just being exchanged between the players and never really used up so the combined times of the players will always be constant. Therefore games can go on indefinitely without terminating on time. This can be solved by simply applying a reducing factor so a player gets 1/2 the time used by the opponent. That will ensure that a 2 min game will last at most 8 mins if my calculation is accurate.

Calculation - Please correct if it is wrong. Every unit of time that is used is only worth half of that to the opponent and half of that when it is passed back and so on. So we have the infinite sum of 1+1/2+1/4 ... = 2. So there will be a maximum of 2 units of time for every unit of the initial starting time.

Different reducing factors can be used to have the most desireable game length.
Yeah thats just for tournaments applied then.

Standard hourglass is like increment, which doesnt terminate either. Just 50 move rule or 3 fold repetition ends it then
Another Idea would be to introduce a delay before the time to be transfer sums up. Not every second waste is transferred, but only wasted_time - 30s ; it means, with 32s remaining, wasting 31s will see online 1s transferred.

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