
New anticheater protection - puzzle rating and puzzles done.


It is not matter if you cheat in puzzles but how much time take to reactivate closed account after cheating.

If it take 8 hours to start playing tournaments it will create some resistance for cheater but it is nothing for normal players.


If you have to do 20-50 puzzle to play tournament and 20 not rated games it will bring some pain for cheaters but may be not for new users. It is not easy to choose limits.

It can reduce load of moderators.
@risky-chess IP address will not work - people share ip addresses. Easier is to keep cookie in browser to detect multiple accounts but it impact some privacy.

Typical variables showing cheating:
- completion of games
- very high rating grows
- to perfect end games/middle games
- to fast/perfect mates
- not regular moves speed (not playing on start but fast on end)
- moves speed different than opponent (move speed not depend on position complexity)
- low puzzle rating/high games ranking (1400 vs 1800?)
- low number of puzzles
- fresh account
- no learning
- cheat/troll reports
- average move time

Maybe some AI can be easy trained on this variables. I do know current lichess algorithm but maybe it need only tensorflow and data to train basic network. We need have some labeled cheaters to train AI.

AI can not work but can help.
I have an even better idea: offers a partnership. Partners participate in the sellings via amazon. Lichess should become a partner.
Then, everybody, who does not buy chessbooks at amazon for at least $200 à year, shall be marked as a cheater. This will create a big resistance for cheaters, but a small one for serious chess players.

Of course, this hurts some of lichess' principles. But war on cheating is certainly more important, than some maudlin old habits.
@sheckley666 The problem with books is such that it is troll idea.

Another disadvantage is that children not buys books and some people bought books before start lichess. Be serious not be troll.
Another thing: if you ban a cheater, they're just gonna create a new account, and wallah, they're back in cheating. No matter how many cheaters you ban, more are coming back :/

This one time, my brother and I agreed to have him play stockfish level 9+ in a game me vs him, and the website recognized that I was cheating, which is dope.

My suggestion: maybe a program on lichess that checks for a list of active cheating programs or websites, then has the message "Cheat Detected".

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