
Moderators are bad

I don't really know how else to word this.
I get a timeout for saying "Turn on your engine, that's what it's there for" after someone asks for what the best move is, while messages with holocaust jokes don't get deleted even after I report them.
Seems completely arbitrary, mods only deleting opinions they don't like, not actually ones that break the rules.

There should be a better selection process, perhaps some oversight.
@Sarg0n said in #2:
> You can report users and report moderators.
> Go ahead!

Nope, you can not. It doesn't tell you which moderator deleted a message.
@anonmod said in #4:
> Use
> We can definitely tell which moderator deleted a message.

I mean, it was less about this particular case and more a general complaint.
But I guess I can use that feature for some cases.

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