
Insufficient mating material

When playing blitz games with no increment if the opponent has insufficient mating material to force a mate then it should be a draw if you run out of time. Examples: K+N or K+B or just the K alone. This is a serious flaw that at least users should be able to select on their playing preferences. This one flaw is bad enough for me to just play blitz at Also, there is no way to contact directly to suggest improvements?

I lost a game by time out when my opponent had K+N and I had K+two Pawns.
Worst part is that he just sacrificed his N for one of my pawns and I run out of time while capturing the N with my King, after that my other pawn was ready to queen in a few moves because my opponents K was to far away to stop it. It is simply frustrating to lose a game like this in a 3 minutes game with no increment. All other websites will have declared the game as a draw, and if you are playing OTB with friends it would have also been declared a draw.

I like the Lichess live chess server is really fast, better that server but this way of handling blitz games with out increments is just ridiculous.

Now that I know how Lichess handles the insufficient material I will not play 3+0 games in Lichess ... only 3+2 games.

Chesscattwhite is furious about this non-sense.
The Almighty Viking King most probably is also furious about this non-sense. doesn’t follow the rules of the world‘s association FIDE. Lichess does. So in large parts of the world are considered the outlaws.

And even they row all day, all knight. Is rook vs. rook a draw? N vs. P?

PS: by the way, you seem not to be very rule-tight. Minor piece against lone King is a draw everywhere

By the way, looking at your last game: there are many forced wins with N against a- or h-pawn. So just take the N or prove that you won’t get mated.

People only claim when they lose. I have never seen a winner wishing to change the rules...
@P_G_M Since I assume you're complaining about your last game, it should be noted that your opponent does indeed have sufficient mating material. King and knight cannot win vs a lone king, but since you still have a pawn on the board, it is possible to block your king in with your own pawn in the corner of the board such that the opponent's king and knight are able to create a mating net. For example, black king on h8, black pawn on h7, white king on c8, and white knight on b6 would be a checkmate. To be fair, you'd need to be actively trying to checkmate yourself for this situation to occur, but since it can occur, it's not treated as a draw

FIDE Blitz WCC is 3+2

I have never seen an official FIDE blitz tournament 3+0
Most probably FIDE handling of insufficient material will be different in 3+0 games.
Most probably FIDE does not consider 3+0 blitz games to be "real" chess.

Lichess needs to be more "relax" with the handling of insufficient material in blitz games with no increments.

Lets just have fun playing some really fast blitz games with no increments.
You can play the period with suits you best. But if you time out you lose. Exception: no mate possible

As simple as that.

If I would have been the player who had a 99.99% losing endgame and I would have won the game because the 99.99% winning player loses because he runs out of time, I would not be happy with such win, it is a 3+0 game, the draw was the fair result.

Let users decide the handling of insufficient material in blitz games with no increment.
Have the option in the preferences.
When I lost the game the first thing I did was to look for the option in the preferences.
Insufficient mating material is a draw. User preferences shouldn't change the rules of the game. What would the option even be?

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