
Insufficient mating amterial

In a bullet game i played my opponent had only a bishop left and when i flagged i lost, i believe it should be a draw due to insufficient mating material, and i could not think of a way in which it was possible for my opponent to mate me. the link for the game is
“icould not think of a way in which it was possible for my opponent to mate“

You are not thinking very hard. Black would have to trap its king in the corner with one of its own pawns and allow white to get its king over to help, or block itself with two pieces without the queen being able to block a check, for instance with the black king on h8, the black bishop on g8, and the h-pawn where it is now.
Even if your opponent can't mate you it is not a draw due to insufficient mating material if you can mate him. There should not be any checkmate possible.
Calling some hundred mates insufficient?

Mate in 6 was the quickest I found.

Thanks for the replies, its true i wasnt thinking very hard and i kept thinking black will push the pawn to b3, making it impossible, i think
Even B-B with no further material is sufficient. Or a single pawn.
#5 But White could move their king to a3 (after pawn to b3) then Bg7+ b2 Bxb2#. Or as Sarg0n says, K+B can checkmate versus K+B without any pawns.

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