
Incorporating tablebases into server analysis

How resource-intensive would it be for the server analysis to use the tablebases in the explorer? I have seen positions where the server analysis and local analysis run to high depths evaluate a position as a draw (0), but according to the tablebase is a forced win for one side. As I play the tablebase moves into the game, the local engine evaluation favours the winning side more and more until a checkmate score is announced (e.g mate in 12), but the "actual checkmate length" following the tablebase moves is longer.

TLDR, it would be really cool if the server analysis could consult a tablebase in order to improve evaluation.
Yes it would be better. It is pointless to run the normal server analysis in positions of 6 men or fewer. As soon as 6 men or fewer are on the board, the server analysis should rerout to a server with table bases.
For positions with 7 or more men, it requires probably too much resources to analyse and whenever analysis reaches 6 or less to consult the table base.
I agree that consulting the 7-piece tablebase during server side analysis would be impractical, but it would also be nice if, when a 7-piece position is reached, there was a way of marking it, so that the user can see this, and open the explorer to get a "tried and tested" evaluation.

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