
I think the FAQ should link to

1. because the variant help pages are already there
2. places like blog posts has already linked to them and really should be utilized more
3. some variants like racing kings have nuanced rules and having them be more accessible can help players

By the way, is it just me having bad internet or is connection bad? I keep getting the "Reconnecting... Reconnected" button to the bottom left of the screen lol. It's came up twice as I'm typing this. (I think it's pretty though especially how it fades off)
Just made a pull request on the git page for this. Hopefully it'll get reviewed and accepted soon.
Isn t it allready there - or has it been added so fast now and i had been halucinating that it had been there all the time?
FAQ --> what variants can I play on lichess --> 8 chess variants --> variant site

Oh wait you probably mean to link there directly without that "8 chess variants"-step which is actually pretty useless ^_^ good plan, no need for that much detours....


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