
game froze then i timed out?

I made a move, then waited for opponent to make a move, I watched him timeout, but the game didn't say victory, I reload the page and somehow /I/ lost by timeout against a move i'd never seen happen on my end. internet connection is solid, already troubleshot that. had other things streaming in the background and never lost them. kinda feel like I got robbed of my points
Exact same thing just happened to me. I'm super pissed because he continued playing on in a 100% drawn position. Then suddenly he timed out. I thought he rage quit, but in fact when I checked my game history it said I timed out! This did not happen! It was 2 opposite color bishops and a blockaded pawn. 100% draw. Essentially stolen points. Very frustrating.
It must be related to the server reset? But these always happen with just 10 minutes of notice (ridiculous), and seemingly happen multiple times per day, so there is no way to avoid them. They usually just cause a slight hiccup, which for me is not a huge deal, but I imagine it would be for bullet/blitz players. No idea why it's like this.
I'm getting suspicious-- my internet connection has been fine, and several games have frozen on exactly the move where my opponent might well have resigned.

Instead the clock just ran down to zero as I am ostensibly waiting for them to move. when I checked my profile I find I have lost. I suspect that some computer savvy players have figured out a way to game this when they have a lost game so that it looks like I've disconnected. This is now happened about four or five times each time right after blunders by my opponent.

It's unfortunate that there doesn't seem to be anybody behind lichess. I have reported this before and gotten no response. It seems to be getting worse. I see other players are having similar problems but I wonder if it's connected to bad moves, and if it is a technique rather than a bug.

I would rather pay for a site like where at least you have some oversight and maintenance.
@Woody42 said in #5:
> I'm getting suspicious-- my internet connection has been fine, and several games have frozen on exactly the move where my opponent might well have resigned.
> Instead the clock just ran down to zero as I am ostensibly waiting for them to move. when I checked my profile I find I have lost. I suspect that some computer savvy players have figured out a way to game this when they have a lost game so that it looks like I've disconnected. This is now happened about four or five times each time right after blunders by my opponent.
> It's unfortunate that there doesn't seem to be anybody behind lichess. I have reported this before and gotten no response. It seems to be getting worse. I see other players are having similar problems but I wonder if it's connected to bad moves, and if it is a technique rather than a bug.
> I would rather pay for a site like where at least you have some oversight and maintenance.

Frankly, I wonder the same thing. It was a very, very opportune time for him to do that. If he had the power to do it, that is the exact time he would have chosen. I also have an extremely stable 1200mbps connection.
More people on here to hate on lichess and promote instead of actually helpful information. if you love the other website so much, go there and pay for everything you get here for free.
Is there any human administration to lichess? I've just been penalized because all the pieces are not appearing on the board to me and I am a boarding the games in which I don't have all the pieces showing and now I'm being accused of a boarding too many games there seems to be nobody who handles this at all.

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