
Game Accuracy(overall accuracy of all moves in a game)

I would love to see how good was my moves overall in a game with a percentage from 0 to 100, like in, this feature would be a huge step for lichess
@bydou2k If you do run a game analysis, you'll get information about the ACPL or average centipawn loss. Which is probably something very similar to what you'd like to have.
Trust me, the percentage of "accurate" moves is not interesting because it immediately leads to an argument about what "accurate" means.
Computers don't really give good insight in terms of mistakes in my experience. They would rate a very complex tactical shot, that wins you the game, as inaccurate if you fail to pick up one extra pawn. An elegant mating net that would deliver mate in 6 is inaccurate because some insane ultra sharp mate in 5 was available etc.

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