
Feature request: Super king chess


I would like lichess to add one variant of chess: super king chess.

How it plays: White has 4 pawns and one king, and black has a setup exactly the same as regular chess. White gets 2 moves on their turn, and black gets the standard 1 move. The white king can move into check on their first move, as long as they move the king out of check on their second move of the turn. The first player to checkmate their opponents king wins.
This seems pretty unbalanced even with the fact that white has two moves.
@danielnewell1 said in #2:
> This seems pretty unbalanced even with the fact that white has two moves.

I don't think a variant could have been invented and played by many if it was unbalanced. This variant exists, it wasn't invented by Kingsracer
P.S. Playing two moves instad of one is quite a BIG advantage, what made you think it wasn't enough?
@danielnewell1 said in #2:
> This seems pretty unbalanced even with the fact that white has two moves.
I think that too.
you can share the fen of the variant position to others to play games of that position instead of asking lichess to add it as a chess variant to the website.
@RURU7575 said in #7:
> you can share the fen of the variant position to others to play games of that position instead of asking lichess to add it as a chess variant to the website.

Read well before answering, position is not the only difference (it would be obviously pointless to play that position, too).
@giancz91 said in #8:
> Read well before answering, position is not the only difference (it would be obviously pointless to play that position, too).
oh sorry for that message. i didnt see the position. Thanks @giancz91 .

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