
Feature Request : Trophies

I’ve seen that about 70% of lichess players don’t have any trophies. There are several kinds of trophies I would like to request.

1. Arena Win trophies : There could be a single icon with numbers that could change according to how many tournaments the player has won.
2. Streak Trophies : Trophies Representing how many games or tournaments the player has won in a row.
3. Time Control Trophies: For players who have performed perfectly and respectively in a time control.

Please consider these trophies and post more interesting suggestions.

Thank You.
All three have problems.

1. There is a huge difference between a 2-player "tournament" and a 1000-player tournament. Both should not share the same trophy
2. Same as above
3. This engourages players to request an analysis more which already costs a lot.
Trophies or awards usually are meant for excellence. By providing them to everybody, you're lowering its value.
I would like to suggest "achievements". There's much less valuable than trophies but when you get them they're a nice surprise
We had this discussion several times. Trophies are called, well, trophies. Aka special achievements.

Also your largest winstreak is displayed in your profile in every category. Even worse, one could artificially inflate it by playing SF1 infinitely
#1 70% is a big understatement

Also, as everyone else has stated, the more trophies, the more diluted the value.

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