
Display order of ratings

On the profile page, a user's ratings are displayed in order according to time format, while in the mouseover popup, it's jumbled up.

Not a huge issue but I'm ocd and I notice it every time lol
I suspect that's because there's only room for 8 ratings on the mouseover popup, but each player can have up to 14 different ratings (Ultrabullet, Bullet, Blitz, Rapid, Classical, Correspondence, Crazyhouse, Chess960, King of the Hill, Three-check, Antichess, Atomic, Horde, and Racing Kings).

Based on looking at several players' popups; I suspect the top row of ratings is always four of the five standard chess ratings (excluding Ultrabullet), whilst below are four of the nine other ratings. Both seem to be set to prioritize time controls with existent ratings over time controls the user has never played, but beyond that, I have no idea how the algorithm determines the exact order. (Ordering by time control would fail due to there being no way to compare time controls of unrelated variants, and ordering alphabetically fails in the theoretical case of a player's best ranking being in a variant starting with a letter towards the end of the alphabet (e.g. having low rankings in Antichess, Atomic, Crazyhouse, and Chess960,, but being exceptionally strong in Three-check). I would imagine the best method would be to order from highest rating to lowest rating, but that doesn't seem to be the order used by the algorithm.
I think it's total time played, although it doesn't line up exactly with the total time played stated on the profile page, but it's the best match.

It'ss a chess mystery
It's number of games played, I'm pretty sure.

The popup is supposed to give you a quick overview of who the player is and what TC they play the most is part of that.
Not number of games played, but estimated total time spent playing that variant/time control. That's why cauffybean's blitz rating shows up before the bullet rating, despite having more bullet games.
And as #5 said it's actually --> estimated <--, not the actual time spend playing (to #3's point), which we can also see but doesn't always actually correspond to the display order. The estimate is the number of games times some fixed time estimate for bullet/blitz/etc. games.

Was also discussed in depth here -

(And it's 4 orthodox chess on the top row, and 4 variants on the bottom row.)
Oh well,but there comes up another question.Why not to just show all of the ratings when hovering mouse cursor on someone's username?
Like #2 said,
I suspect that's because there's only room for 8 ratings on the mouseover popup, but each player can have up to 14 different ratings (Ultrabullet, Bullet, Blitz, Rapid, Classical, Correspondence, Crazyhouse, Chess960, King of the Hill, Three-check, Antichess, Atomic, Horde, and Racing Kings).
Well, "room" is a made-up thing here. We could just make more room if we wanted. But most people don't have that many ratings anyway and it really wouldn't make the tooltip any clearer.

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