
Disable accessibility blind mode

Hello. When I open lichess in my PC, lichess load just text and links but without any board and graphics.

Appears and option on the top for enable and disable but nothing happens.

Thank you.
You might have some software which stops your web browser to reach

I've seen people have this problem with McAfee.

So check if you can configure your software to allow

Best of luck!
Desde ayer me pasa lo mismo que a edson.
Cuando voy a jugar una partida en mi PC habitual, me sale un tablero enorme, sin relojes y que no permite efectuar los movimientos. Ahora he podido jugar alguna partida desde un portátil de reciente adquisición que me han prestado.
Por lo demás mi PC habitual no muestra ningún defecto.
¿Qué puedo hacer para resolver este problema?
I don't use any product from McAfee, so I don't know.

This is the instruction I've seen for one of their products - I don't know if it is the same for you...

"McAfee liveSafe by going to settings ->Firewall->NetGuard and changing lichess ips from blocked to allow"

Here is a Tweet about the issue - you could follow it and see when/if McAfee answers about the problem.

Good luck!

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