
Daily Hyperbullet - can there be bullet alongside it?

Hi all

Is there any chance given the site is really large now, that there can be two bullet tournaments running alongside the daily hyperbullet tournament. I would rather play two 25 min bullet tournaments than the daily hyperbullet as I feel it is a bit too quick for me and sometimes I don't get to stream earlier. I just think too many games are decided by time on the hyperbullet.

Would running two bullet tournaments as usually really be negative overall for the daily hyperbullet etc?

Cheers, K
Thank you KC, for me is Hyperbullet also too fast. I would enjoy if i can play 2 „normal“ Bullet Tournaments.

Hopefully Lichess will change something.

Thank u for announcing such suggestion.I would also like to play simultaneous tournaments to save time for analysis!
Seems like it might be possible to have an hourly bullet every hour...
Daily tournaments are formed automatically. As far as we know , such a proposal is not yet planned for implementation.

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