
Compromise solution for variant requests

Instead of giving new variants that require new leader boards, etc...why not simply offer them as options in settings instead?

For example the new variant Self Capture Chess as advocated by GM Vladimir Kramnik wouldn't have to be offered as a variant but as a feature you activate in settings. Since not many people know or care about Self Capture chess wouldn't be wiser for not being aware you could play this by turning on an option in your settings to play it. But for those who would like to play the new Self Capture variant can go to settings to turn it on.

Lichess already does this by offering blindfold chess in the settings. You could play blindfold chess now but it's not a variant yet by turning on the option in settings you can play blindfold chess.

In this way it maintains Thibault's insistence on not offering any new variants that clutter Lichess yet allows those who would like to play this new variant can do so on their own volition by activating an option in the settings.
This solution has the benefit of allowing people to explore other variants like this which wouldn't detract from the official ones you do offer.

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