
cheating no change in clock time. no rating change

I played this game against zatter Even though we was rated 2252 and I was rated 2048, I received no rating increase for drawing him and his rating did not decrease. Also, for the last ten moves he had 2.5 seconds left on his clock. The time on his clock never went down by even a tenth of a second.
1. This was a casual game so ratings did not change.
2. He premoved, which means he made his move before you moved, so his clock did not move down.

I would expect a 2000+ to know these.
You have played more than 10,000 bullet games, and you have no idea what premoves are or how they work? How on earth is this possible?

Even if you don't use premoves yourself for some strange reason, you've really never noticed your opponents doing so until now? That's incredible.

I'd have a bit of sympathy if it weren't for you calling the person a cheater publicly when in fact it's just that you have no idea at all what you're talking about. It's hilarious and this should be shown to everyone who doesn't understand why calling cheaters out in public is irresponsible, no matter how certain you think you are. Your behavior is embarrassing.

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