
Can you communicate this to a developer? Lichess has not given me an answer

could you please create a way (function) to translate the English (algebraic) notation to Spanish translation?
this would make the Spanish speaker's studies less tiring

Is this possible? I just want to put my games in a .txt in spanish notation, this is very important to me, this helps to not transcribe everything, writing games on paper is very tiring

spanish notation

R= Rey
D= Dama
A= Alfil
C= Caballo
T= Torre

When I write in the papper, i have to transcribe everything, it's more work than necessary, please developers, help
I'm not sure I get a full grasp of your problem.

Your scenario would be:
You play a game then want to note the move played on paper, yet it's annoying because Lichess display the piece from english name and not from spanish one ?

A few points:
- It might be annoying to implement in the sense that spanish isn't the only language, look I'm french can I have the french notation ? Yet my friend is chinese, what about him ?
- You might want to learn the english notation as it's the one used in chess books/video records/... anyway. Dare I say, you should probably use it on your paper. In no time you 'll find it as easy as any other notation, it just take little practice.
- Lichess allow you to use a chess symbol instead of a letter for piece representation
- You can probably c/c the game move and use a simple tool to make the 5 swap. I can write a script for you if you want but really, there should be plenty online.
Oh I think I got it.
You need to open the console (press ctrl + maj + I, or google around if it doesn't work).

Then input the following:
[...document.getElementsByTagName("san")].forEach(e => e.textContent = e.textContent.replace("K", "R").replace("Q", "D").replace("B", "A").replace("N", "C").replace("R", "T"))

It 'll change only the currents elements, if more are added (like a new move in a game) that 'll not replace them.
Tell me if it works for you...

It's not automatic you have to do it each time you visit a new page.
I can probably look to automatise that each time you visit a study (through tampermonkey extension maybe? never used but It should do the job) tomorrow..
@DiLeGrosPanda tú eres francés, entonces tú debes pedir la notación francesa, yo no soy francés, tampoco soy chino
I really feel like I'm wasting my time so this is the last time I'm answering.

A few more key points:
- Spanish is the 4th most spoken language in the world, french being the 5th. For the record, Chineese is the 1st. (It might be inacurate on lichess, but you said world and how come spanish is more important than french then ?)
- I did try to help. I'm fine being downvoted if it's not actually helpful, but if you want anything else you should explain what issue you are facing, and probably give a more detailled description of your problem because as I said, I'm not sure I understood it correctly. Answering me in another language about a minor point unrelated with the solution I provided isn't exactly a mean to get things done.
- You are acting like a child, if you feel offended (I honestly don't see why, but well different cultur I guess) you can just ignore me. Or, as suggested earlier, explain the problem. Until then I don't feel like owning you an apologize. And such behaviour will refrain others from helping you.
- "Insulting" someone who took his time to try to help you... what a nice guy.

Have a good night.
@DiLeGrosPanda ¿Entonces te sentiste insultado? No sabía que un francés era tan sensible! Ve a dormir niño troll, el único niño aquí eres tú, tú tienes el dinero de tus padres, va a comprarte una impresora niño mimado

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