
Bullet Chess Instant Moves

In a recent game of Bullet chess my opponent made three moves with no time penalty between moves.

This should not be possible.

Presumably my opponent used a pre-move. This should not really be permitted, especially in Bullet chess as it would never occur over the board and gives a distinct advantage to a player using it.

If it is permitted it should still come with a time penalty of e.g. 1 second per move. It is not possible to make three consecutive moves and not decrease the time available by even one 10th of second.
"Presumably my opponent used a pre-move. This should not really be permitted, especially in Bullet chess as it would never occur over the board and gives a distinct advantage to a player using it."

Bullet chess is traditional of online chess play, not over-the-board play. Also, it doesn't give a distinct advantage to the player using a pre-move because you can make pre-moves yourself.

"If it is permitted it should still come with a time penalty of e.g. 1 second per move."

You have no idea how much 1 second is worth in bullet. This is 1/60 of the overall time control and is too much. If any time deduction will come with pre-moves, the maximum it should be is 0.1 seconds.
Here are three options for overcoming this problem of your opponent making moves that take no time. has a .1 second penalty for premoves go play there if you want.
Move faster than your opponent. If you move faster than them they simply can not make premoves.
Online chess is not supposed to mimic real chess. Realize that they are not the same game if you want real chess don't play bullet.
This is online chess, not over the board chess. If you want to flag people without them using premoves, then play over the board against someone.

In fact, in over the board chess, you can sometimes make a move without losing any time. It is called delay. If you play a move in that time, then it won't cost any time. has 0.1s delay between premoves, but positive side is that you can make multipremoves, which I think is pretty interesting and original way to play bullet chess in internet. On lichess there is 0.0s but you have to use the mouse pretty quickly to not get flagged. I personally like more lichess than for bullet chess because of better interface.
But, speaking is premoves good or bad in bullet chess is a complete nonsense. Sometimes I am playing on a site with no premoves, and for example 3 min chess is complete nightmare; imagine situation Q+K vs K, every side has 5 seconds. Person with K flags person with Q+K. And that situations are happening there all the time. Imagine the frustration of person with the Q (it could be you someday).
Actually I remember there is a pretty old book of Nakamura about bullet chess. If you are new to premoves and that type of stuff I recommend reading it.
Having a minimum time lost for each move in bullet would be like forcing players to premove in classical.
Well that's a surprising response. Obviously I misunderstand the whole concept of the game being equitable for both players. I have no problem with losing the game and I am not calling out my opponent because they did nothing wrong. I was more intrigued by the notion that you could move without losing time. Which seems to me to be inherently problematic. But obviously I am in a minority.

@AnUtterlyKarpov yes you can play with a delay, you can also play with an increment.. but that is different .. there you have agreed to allow a portion of time to make a move. The zero time penalty only exists if you pre-move so not all moves are judged equally.

@Chess4Adhu .. I am aware that 1 second is indeed 1/60 of the game of Bullet chess. But what is the average move time in the game for a person on a computer not using pre-move? My guess is around a second. That would be 60 moves in a game of Bullet. How many games really get to 60 moves ? Even if a second is too much 0.1 second is also too little in my opinion.

@yabbadabbadooooooo not complaining ... just raising the topic as I surprised by it.

For reference I am not against pre-moving, but it must come with a time penalty. You all seem to think it should be possible to move without losing time, which is an interesting concept.

1 second is certainly not my average time per move in bullet chess. It's not too hard to play a non-premove in under half a second during a bullet game. Many of the world's best bullet players will agree.

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