
BUG - MOVE PROTOCOL - Game clock not working (both web/mobile) - show 5s (but it is 0)...

WEB -> Last game played on web - I have 5s I moved before 2s but clock drop to 0:0 after move?

It looks that client move is not confirmed by server or wrongly confirmed - there is some queues or other delay.

MOBILE -> Previous game I do 2 moves and I won on time - but after refresh I have only 5s to finish game - that bug is reported many weeks ago but still not solved.

Other player was lost because he di not wait to my lost - I waited till his time end since I think that he is on the move but after refresh I have 5s to move.

Current protocol of moves is wrong since not works some packets is lost.

Indeed I am loosing about 20% of games because of this - esspecially blitz. That is really hurts. I think it can be much more games since I am not tracking move times but they can be delayed.

So if I always have -30s during game probably it is harder to win but I was not measure middle moves - I see problem in last moves and sometimes in middle of game when delay in 120s ...
it is often that game stuck in middle and page must be reload in Firefox - no idea why such problem with sockets?
Next game lost on socket stuck bug - I have 10s on clock I do move after some time clock fails to zero - magic.

Problem is that I see that move is sent but move is not sent. One moths ago there was not such problems I often win on 5s clock - now is hard to win on 20s clock since such delays.

Pings to is 47ms, web shows 67ms (when I click in profile).

Whyin reality pings are 20s (move send take such long time)?

Another nasty MOVE PROTOCOL BUG - I did preMOVE and PREMOVE was not executed - maybe moves was sent with UDP and packets was not retransmitted - I have not idea how it works but it is not works.

This time I had 10s on clock and valid premove choose - BUT I was LOST ON TIME - how it is possible no idea ... - lack of retransmission and transaction maybe?

Qc3 was premoved but never played!

Can you provide additional info, such as:
Is there anything in the console?
What browser are you using, and which version?
When does this happen?
Do you have any idea why this would happen?
I am using 66.0.3 Firefox Release April 10, 2019 - Windows 10, ADSL/WIFI. Ping 46ms (dropped packet below 1%).

Nothing in console I see only connection to (name looks like this).

I can happen because protocol is not showing problems with delivery or not retry. Same problem is in mobile.

1. It can happen if packet is dropped and need to be retransmitted but it is not done.
2. It can happen if packet is send but delivery is not confirmed (but it looks in GUI that is confimed).
3. It is wrong packet retry configuration retry is not done in next 100ms but is done in next 10s (what is to slow for blitz).

I am programmer so I can write a lot of suggestion. I try to run wireshark if have time to do it to analyse traffic problems.

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