
Bad puzzle

Not sure where to address this feedback... is incorrect. The first move is fine (Nxd4), but the 2nd move I played (Rd1) was considered wrong, even though it is definitely not worse than the computer move (axb4). First time I've ever seen the LiChess puzzle algorithm break.
I turned on Stockfish to see the best move, both of the moves Rd1 and axb4 are considered the best move because it shows +3.6 on both moves, maybe that what caused the problem, the puzzle is prepared only for one sequence of moves. I think puzzles with more than one best move should be avoided by Lichess.
These are games that acutally played which they do not edit which why it might be wrong.
@sparky3012 When black played 2. .. Re8 this will allow him to threaten a queen pin by playing 3. .. Bd7, the best move to defend against this pin is playing 3. Ra3 and then play Re3 if black decided to play Bd7

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