
Any way to report busted puzzles?

I was playing this puzzle:

The first move was obvious, dxc6+. Then after Ke7, I played Rd7+ which the system said was incorrect.

Looking further into the position, we have no less than SEVEN winning moves White can play here!

1. Re1+ (The answer the computer wanted, leads to a Mate in 12)
2. Qe4+ (Mate in 15)
3. Qf5 (Mate in 10! Why isn't THIS the correct answer???)
4. Re7+ (My choice, Mate in 22)
5. Qe7+ (+8.5 advantage)
6. Qh3 (Not great, but still winning at +1.5)
7. Kf2 (Not great, but still winning at +2.4)

Okay the puzzles where my winning move is only a +4 move instead of a +7 move are annoying enough, but I chose a move with a forced checkmate... And the move the computer wants isn't even the fastest available checkmate.

Other than thumbs-down (does that do anything?) is there any way to report a puzzle like this?
Lichess will remove puzzles that are faulty. This one may qualify. Re7+ was my choice as well. It's a very natural move.

I don't see any incredible advantage to Re1+.

So, mentioning it in this forum is all you need to do. Mods will see this post and assess the puzzle.

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