
Analysis board badly needs export pgn.

You do a bunch of work exploring lines in the analysis board and then *poof* it's all gone because there is absolutely no way to save or export it. An unbelievable and incomprehensible glaring oversight on the part of this otherwise great website.
You can create a study from the analysis board can't you? Just click on the "hamburger button" (is that what its called lol) .. and u just click on Study. On Lichess, study is essentially = PGN file
Problem with PGN files available during a game is that it allows people to quickly put the position into a chess engine. If it is possible then having the PGN available only after the game has finished would certainly be useful.
Thanks for your suggestion but it doesn't work. All the work you did exploring alternate lines is lost into thin air the same way. None of it gets transferred to the study.
The problem with saying use a study is that you don't always know when you will want to save what you're doing before you start. Often I think I'm going to just put one different move on the board to see what the computer thought of it and it leads to another and another and another, and before you know it you have a lot of alternate moves. It is a great convenience having the 'analysis board' button featured so prominently on every finished game. That convenience gets destroyed if you have to create a study every time you want to look at the game after just in the off chance you might want to save what you did. Create a study and delete a study every time you just want to look at a couple moves?
There are already options in blue in the PGN box. Could you please consider just adding one that puts your alternate lines into the PGN. Or at least have that as an option when exporting the game to a study. It would be so helpful.

1. You can add multiple chapters (games) into one study. You don't have to create 50 unique studies for 50 unique games- just create one study titled "My Best Games" or something, and then click the button in the top left of the study "Create New Chapter" and put in the lichess url of your next game.

2. You can delete alternate moves after you're done looking at them! Just right click the sideline you don't want anymore and click "Delete Moves". You can also add comments to certain moves to remind you where you were.

I hope this helps. Happy Checkmating

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