
Ack!!!!! (The usual complaint that someone can't see the pieces)

Feedback: There have been many times where someone can't see the pieces!!!!
Feedback: Like me, right now.

The console says that wasn't loaded

(Failed to load resource: net::ERR_CONTENT_DECODING_FAILED)
Luckily, there's the 'Help: random game' below the 'a chess CAPTCHA'. So yay.

<P.S., if it's open source, how come no one has suggested any ways to fix the code?>
(on second thought, that might be an 'ego threatening' question, so if no one answers i'll understand)
[but don't ask me, out of all of java, i only know (if, while, arrays, functions, logic). i don't have much of a clue about how lichess works, and i am just a bored person who discovered about the console (don't try to imagine how amazed i was by it)]

WARNING: Everything below this sentence is not feedback. In fact, you should ignore everything below this sentence*.
I apologize for being off topic, but I was bored, and, aren't you supposed to ignore this sentence?

I've guessed that when I ramble, people will, err *might* think i'm crazy,
so i'll put this very very hard test for normal people to solve. Haha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

One day, Sam was expertly chewing. But then, super Mom and Dad walked in at the wrong moment!
Sam hurriedly escaped.... When he made it to the hallway, Sam heard his parents ask, "Who ate the cookies?"

1. You can probably guess that

a. Eating cookies are good for you
b. Sam's mom and dad have superpowers!
c. Sam was not supposed to eat the cookies.
d. Sam should definitely go back and eat all the cookies.

2. Why do you think Sam escaped? _____________________________________________________________________

3. Do you think Sam is an expert at chewing? _________________________________________________________

4. Based on the words 'super Mom and Dad', the narrator is probably

a. Thibault
b. A "Sausage and Egg McMuffin"
c. Sam
d. My little brother

5. What is 2+5?

a. 89
b. 2389
c. 72340987420987098720672346098473
d. Graham's number
e. Pie

*Hey, you were supposed to ignore this, you silly person!
**Don't type a reply to this test. You were supposed to ignore it! So what I didn't put two asterisks anywhere?
1. d)
2. He a hungry boi at 1AM
3. Yes.
4. a)
5. b)

oH wAiT i WaSn'T sUPpOsEd To ReSpOnD?? :0
#1 Thanks, we'll look into ERR_CONTENT_DECODING_FAILED (browser version might help, I don't know).

To directly answer your open-source question: . Not all open-source issues are easily isolated, despite everyone being able to run the code not everyone knows how to test it:
Thanks! (And it looks like I can see the pieces again. Did you people solve it already? <probably not> Wow!)

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