
A tab for teams

During the inaugural team battle, a thought that was frequently on my mind was "how is my team doing?". There were only a few seconds in-between games to answer that question. I think a tab showing the standings for teams would be an excellent addition. Awesome work on the team battle feature. 👍
I second this motion!!

I've been planning to get into more team play / league play on lichess. Also, @Chess-Network thank you all for the fine instructional videos. Mainly the ones on various openings. Super-clear explanations of the ideas and important lines. My game owes you, lol.
To me it looks like lichess is now going deeper into groups.. team battle and class teaching features...
I really like the idea of Chess-Network!
And now excuse me please, I have to solve a checkmate in one to submit the message ;-)
Agreed! If anything the team tab should replace the standings

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