
Why do you decline take backs ?

So what are the reasons for declining take backs ? It seems it is usually a situation where one KNOWS that they would have lost the entire game because of a miss click. For myself there have been too many instances where I missed a one square and it cost me the game.
I decline whenever someone didn't see a discovered attack and regrets his/her move.
I accept whenever it's an obvious misclick like sacrificing a queen to a pawn, intended to give a check on next square.
In rated games, I never accept. In casual games against players around my strength, I accept under zugzwang2019's conditions. In casual games against players much worse than me, I almost always accept.

On a related note, what's up with the guys who don't resign and then offer you a draw right before they lose?
Mistakes, including mouse control mistakes, are part of the game. No takebacks. Stop being a p_____y.

I'm willing to do one redo move per game and give the player a benefit of doubt. Anymore than that then it really depends on what the redo is for.
Takebacks are for;

- unrated
- mouseslips
- if I like you

That is all.
I never allow takebacks because I cannot trust my opponents to give me a takeback in the exact same situation. Thus the only fair option is to never ask for and never grant takeback.
I only allow takebacks in games over 10 minutes and under @zugzwang2019 ´`'s conditions. But in a Blitzgame its part auf timepressure. so these mistakes are forced by the timelimit and have to be punished

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